Laser tag… IN SPACE!
sobbing crying i cant believe I have actually caught up where am I supposed to detox from the witticisms now
Welcome to the party, pal!
I only just started and I already need a fix, thanks.
This was such a good blast to read, I had a great last two days-ish binging. Such good stuff, and amazing characters. I’m taking them all.
This is why I kept yelling about this comic for so long 😎 Got you hooked now (one of us! one of us!)
welcome!!!!! to the best webcomic!!! glad to have you here
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Laser tag… IN SPACE!
sobbing crying i cant believe I have actually caught up where am I supposed to detox from the witticisms now
Welcome to the party, pal!
I only just started and I already need a fix, thanks.
This was such a good blast to read, I had a great last two days-ish binging. Such good stuff, and amazing characters. I’m taking them all.
This is why I kept yelling about this comic for so long 😎 Got you hooked now (one of us! one of us!)
welcome!!!!! to the best webcomic!!! glad to have you here